Topic outline
Day 1: Introductions and first activites
By the end of Day 1 you will:
- Understand what the 2 week E-Textile course will include
- How sessions will take place
- How to use the Huge Academy platform
- Have got to know each other a little bit more
- Had an introduction to E-Textiles
Schedule for Day 1:
Day 1 will take place online over Zoom. The session will be from 17:00 to 18:00.
17:00 - Meet on Zoom for Introduction and introduction to the course
17:30 - Introduction to E-Textiles
Day 2: Build your own E-Textiles components
By the end of Day 2 you will:
- Understand how simple circuits work
- Understand how the E-Textile components are working
- Understand the next tasks of creating a fabric button, button button and stroke sensor
Schedule for Day 2:
17:00 - Introduction to simple circuits and components
17:30 - How the E-Textile components work
In this folder you will find:
- The instructions for creating your own Test Circuit
- The instructions for creating your own Fabric button
In this folder you can find:
- Instructions for creating a Button button
- Instructions for creating a Stroke sensor
Here is the link to the video from the Zoom session
Day 3: Applied Simple Circuits
- Understand the activity of creating a Plush Monster
- Learnt how to use a sewing machine
- Understand the Eplique sewing technique
Schedule for Day 3:
17:00 - Join on Zoom with an introduction to the Plush monster activity
17:30 - Workshop on sewing techniques
Here is the link to the video from the Zoom session
- The task after completing Day 3 of the course is to design your own plush monster.
You are not limited to a monster! Previous designs have included rockets, bears, emoji and many other ideas!
Think about what you would like to create then draw our the design, as presented video. Draw the connected front and back pieces of materials with the integrated components showing how they would be connected. Make sure to include:- 2 LEDs
- 2 Coin batteries and battery holders
- 2 conductive fabric patches
Submit your design to have it checked over
Day 4: Electromagnetic components
- By the end of Day 4 you will:
- Understand how electromagnets work
- Understand how E-Textile components use electromagnetism
- Understand the next tasks: creating a Flipping Eye and Flapping Wing
Schedule for Day 4:
17:00 - Introduction to electromagnetism
17:30 - Explanation of Electromagnetic components
In this folder you will find:
- Introduction to Day 3 activities: Flipping Eye and Flapping Wing
- Instructions to create the Flipping Eye
- Instructions to create the Flapping Wing
Here is the link to the video from the Zoom session
Day 5: Building a Speaker
- By the end of Day 5 you will:
- Understand how a speaker works
- Understand how to weave
- Understand the next task and how it works: Woven speaker
Schedule for Day 5:
17:00 - Introduction on Woven Speaker activity
17:30 - Workshop on Techniques
In this folder you will find:
- Explanation of the woven speaker and how it works
- Instructions to build a woven speaker
This link is to the presentation given on how speakers work and traditional weaving techniques.
Day 6: Welcome back to Week 2!
- Know the schedule for Week 2
- Understand what is Arduino and how we will use it
- Have setup your computer correctly to be able to work with Arduino
- Been assigned the Day 6 tasks: Introduction to Arduino activities.
Schedule for Day 6:
17:00 - Welcome back and schedule for Week 2
17:15 - Introduction to Arduino
17:45 - Introduction to Arduino Activities and help with computer setup
In this folder you will find
- Introduction to Arduino document with links to three activities that should be completed:
- Blinking LED
- Button controlled LED
- Theremin
This link goes to a presentation giving an introduction to Arduino. It also gives instructions on how to setup your computer correctly.
Using the push button code found through the following link:
tutorials/arduino-button-led Edit the code so that it could be used with
- three buttons
- three different LEDs (blue, green and white)
The edited code should allow the following tasks to be completed:
- Button 1 and Button 2 are pressed together = red LED to light up
- Button 3 OR button 2 are pressed = green LED to light up
- Just Button 1 is pressed = white LED to light up
- no button is pressed = nothing should light up
Please submit your code file or a link to the simulation you build on TinkerCAD for it to be checked and corrected.
Day 7: Create a LED Fabric Bracelet
- Understand how the LED fabric bracelet works and how to create it
- Have learnt some basic sewing techniques: back stitch, zig zag stitch and blanket stitch
Schedule for Day 7:
17:00 - Join on Zoom for introduction to LED fabric bracelet activity
In this folder you will find:
- Instructions to be able to build your own LED fabric bracelet
This links goes to the presentation that gives an introduction to the LED fabric bracelet, it's design and the sewing techniques you will need to create it.
Day 8: Integrating sensors
- Understand how a pulse sensor works
- Understand how to use the pulse sensor with Arduino
- Understand how to integrate the pulse sensor into your LED fabric bracelet
Schedule for Day 8:
17:00 - Join on Zoom for day 8 session
In this folder you will find:
- Presentation of the task and how to build a prototype.
- Instructions for integrating the pulse sensor into your LED fabric.
Day 9: Creating a secret diary box
- Understand the design of the secret coded box and the components it uses
- Learnt about Electronic prototyping
- Understood the code needed for the box and how to adapt it
Schedule for Day 9:
17:00 - Join on Zoom for Day 9 session
This folder includes:
- Instructions on how to create a secret coded diary box
- Download the original code file which is available on Huge Academy.Build the electronic prototype circuit (as found in the tutorial) using the Tinker CAD simulator.You need to read through and understand the code (using the notes provided in the tutorial)Run this code on your simulator to make sure it works.Task 1:Modify the code to include a white LED which flashes each time a button is pressed.Hints for this task are provided in the tutorial document.Task 2:If you feel confident with that task you can then move on to trying to include a servo motor which turns when the given code is correct. Again, hints for this task are provided in the tutorial.Submit an Arduino code file for each of these tasks to be checked and corrected.
Day 10: Final day!
- Understood how to integrate the secret coded box circuit onto fabric
- Have realised the skills and knowledge you have learnt
- Have had the opportunity to provide feedback
Schedule for Day 10:
17:00 - Continuation of secret coded box
17:30 - Feedback and evaluation
This link is for a feedback form which should be filled out by participants that did not attend the Day 10 Zoom session
Course Completion!
Please complete this feed back form on completion of the course. This helps us to know what worked well and what we need to improve on. Many thanks from the Digital Heroes team.