Digital fabrication challenge

In our everyday life we produce a lot of waste that does not enter the recycling process, especially in public spaces like parks, offices.

Within a circular economy mindset, designers are called upon to raise awareness on the value of waste, helping people to separate mixed materials objects for a correct disposal process.

The goal of this challenge is to develop and produce custom made simple artifacts that could be used to separate specific objects or components from waste mixtures. You will be required to use digital fabrication techniques to complete this task.

Here are some extra guidelines regarding this digital fabrication challenge.

We invite you specifically to think about waste disposal containers. There exist containers that can only host certain items, for example AAA batteries, or CR2032 batteries.  With the help of digital fabrication, it is possible to design and produce waste disposal containers that contribute to a more efficient waste management system. 

In particular, you can have a go at designing waste disposal caps that make disposal of certain items easier.

Below are some examples:

Upon completion of the task, you can upload the design file (.svg, .stl, etc.) via the platform and submit it for review by our instructor. 

If you would like to explore this issue of waste management and circular economy further, you can get in touch with the Jobs of the Future working group at