Elements of toy hacking. Programming of control mechanisms - ESP32 with traction DC Motor and L298N Motor Driver – Control Speed and Direction
The goal in the context of the project is to gain knowledge and skills about the control of the executive mechanism – traction motor and motor shield.
The traction motor is suitable for the construction of any types of vehicles, traffic control systems, control systems and much more. The traction motor is a basic actuator for the realization of moving objects.How to do it?
The instructor introduces the students to the material using a multimedia projector. Using the hardware components the practical scheme is built, the software in Arduino.IDE is created, the transport into the controller is demonstrated and the ability to control the traction motor is presented. For this purpose, it uses pre-prepared local and online resources.
Lab - The instructor should use the appropriate elements at his disposal to make the different demonstrations.
Circuito.io scheme
For future reading visit: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-dc-motor-l298n%20-motor-driver-control-speed-direction/