IoT design and coding software. Circuits on Tinkercad


The goal in the context of the project is to gain knowledge and skills about: 

  • Writing code.
  • Features and syntax of the programming language. 

Circuits on TinkerCAD

Circuits empower you to bring your ideas to life with free, easy-to-use online tools.Simulate and program Arduino and breadboard components

Use standard modules to build complex circuits

Create and explore circuits then export to PCB design software, like Autodesk EAGLE

How to do it?

The instructor introduces the students to the material using a multimedia projector or an interactive whiteboard. For this purpose, it uses pre-prepared local and online resources. 

The training is conducted for:

How to work with electronic circuits. Simulations of operation of various circuits and operation of sensors with Arduino 

Lab. Use Tincercad for different pre-prepared examples.

For examples and training, the following online resources could be used:

Last modified: Saturday, 10 July 2021, 4:46 PM